My memories of Grandma Dorothy are very sweet to me.  I

 think the first thing I remember is getting bit by a red ant

 and it hurt so bad!  Grandma put some stuff on it that was

 either pink or orange to make it feel better.  I got that ant

 sting right on the driveway of the house on 3rd East.

            I remember how much fun I had at that house.  I had loved

 the garage and picking apricots and that bush that grew our

 "money".   I used to love to take Habishaw for walks and I felt

 so big that Grandma would let me walk her dog.  I always have

 remembered that Habishaw was such a big dog, but I guess I

 wasn't all that big, so he just looked really big.  I remember

 taking a walk up all the stairs up to BYU.  In my memory it

 seems as if those stairs went on forever to something wonderful

 up on top.  I also loved the three bears, the dolls, the cradle,

the cupboard and the puzzles.  I remember playing for

 hours with the little white building blocks making houses. I

 also loved going to "Grandma's school" and playing.

            After Grandma married Willis, I have happy memories of staying

at his house in Mapleton and all of the sheep, running

 around in the fields and walking to the park.  I also remember

 when our dog fell in the stream and we thought she was dead,

 but we found her.  I remember Tawnya and I sleeping in the bed

 in the guest room and playing with Tinkertoys there.  After

 Grandma and Willis moved to the house in Provo, I remember lots

 of get-togethers with my cousins.  I remember a time sitting

 down in the living room in the apartment when Tawnya, Sarah and

 I got a "talking to" about getting along with each other.  I

 also remember the time when Alfred's father died and Tawnya,

 Matt and I stayed with Grandma for about a week during the

 Christmas holidays.  Another time when I stayed there, Grandma

 asked me what I wanted for breakfast, and I said it didn't matter,

and Grandma said, "Why don't we have mush, I haven't had

 any for a long time."  I wasn't too thrilled since we always

 had it at our house.  But I ate it anyway and I have turned out

 all right.

            After I got married and moved to Provo I remember going to

 the temple with Grandma when I was pregnant with Jordan.  That

 was a special time.  I think Grandma and I will both remember

 when Jordan was born and Grandma was watching the chart that

 showed my contractions.  I especially appreciated when Grandma

 took care of me and Jordan when he was 1 day old while Ken

 looked for work.  Harlequin surely thought Jordan was a curiosity.

 I have always enjoyed visiting with Grandma and our kids

 enjoy going to see her also.  I remember the beautiful roses

 she brought to me after I had Katrina--so much more pretty and

 delicate than the ones at the florist, and extra special because

Grandma picked them for me!  I love you, Grandma!